Disappointing Adversaries
- Everyday.
There are 300,00+ unknown threats & files released. Every. Single. Day. How do you know which ones are safe and which ones are malicious? You don't. This causes alert fatigue. Our ZeroThreat platform provides you peace of mind by protecting your organisation first before detection. This provides you & your cybersecurity team the time required to safely investigate these unknown threats while keeping your endpoints up & running. When properly configured, we have a zero breach track record. Take your platform for a spin and see for yourself.

Attackers Don't Play Fair.
Why Should You?
Get The Unfair Advantage
Zero Dwell Time Containment isolates the attacker's execution path so a threat is prevented from harming an endpoint. Lateral movement is impossible. Xcitium protect first, then enacts important assessment and detection strategies immediately thereafter. It's a 1-2 punch right out of the gate.
Meanwhile, the rest of the industry is bent on ineffective detection-first approaches, and this is why there is still countless breaches and ransoms occurring daily.
But ZeroThreat virtualisation heads off attackers at the pass, in real time, with literally ZERO virtualisation-escape options available to the attacker.
With ZeroThread ZDC, all unknown elements are guilty until proven innocent, and instantly prevented from accessing the real resources on the endpoint. Remember: contained attacks are no longer threats, so no more alert fatigue. And all unknown elements contained by virtualisation are being analysed and assessed by the Xcitium verdicting engine. If deemed benign, they are simply released from the virtualisation. Meanwhile, there is no interruption of the work on a virtualised endpoint, and business proceeds as usual.
Don't run the race. Win. Defend in Zero.
How our Real-Time Virtualisation Works

How We Help
450,000 Vulnerabilities Isn't "Problem Solved"
Security Updates
Equip every endpoint, network, and workload with the latest threat intelligence against cyber threat signatures and payloads.
Protect Against
Defense against new or zero-day cyber threats using powerful static, dynamic, and patented behavioral Ai.
Prevent unknown cyber attacks from causing damage to your endpoints with our lightweight Kernel-level APi virtualisation.
Attack Chain
Gain full context of an attack to connect the dots on how hackers are attempting to breach your network.
Our Product Team

Fred Saayman
Brand Director
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3338

Samantha Naicker
Business Unit Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3285

Reagan Ndangi
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
+27 (73) 101 0127
Enterprise Team
Brand Manager