Buy Online 24/7

Instant delivery of licence key
to your mailbox

All the benefits of box product,
in digital version

Secure & Risk Free

Purchase online Whenever, Wherever in South Africa with Pinnacle ICT and Microsoft ESD
Microsoft Electronic Software Distribution allows registered Pinnacle resellers to download Microsoft Office safely and securely with the click of a button, a simple, efficient, and convenient transaction. Once an ESD product is purchased, the purchaser can expect an email containing their product key to download and activate the Microsoft license within minutes. Not only does this platform of purchasing Microsoft Office save you time, it is also a space saver - eliminating physical product and environmentally friendly without packaging going into landfills.
Purchasing your Microsoft product of choice via ESD allows users to buy safely and securely online 24/7, receive instant delivery of the product key directly to your mailbox and provides all the benefits of a box product in a digital version.
Purchase Online Whenever, Wherever in SA
Our Microsoft ESD offering includes:
Our Product Team

Michelle Olivier
Product Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3000

Pearl Maseko
Product Assistant
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3378

Phillip Thompson
Brand Director:
Advanced Technologies, Microsoft, Pinnpos, Proline
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3317

Christelle Fensham
Business Unit Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3312

Terry-Lyn Few
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3292