Our Microsoft ESD offering includes:
Initially released in 2021, Windows 11 gave the PC a modern refresh and exciting new experiences enabling users to connect, participate, and be seen and heard. Since the launch, Windows 11 users are more engaged than Windows 10 users.
In early 2023, Microsoft also launched the new AI-powered Bing into preview for more than 1 million people in 169 countries, and expanded the new Bing to the Bing and Edge mobile apps as well as introduced it into Skype. It is a new era in Search, Chat and Creation and with the new Bing and Edge users now have their own copilot for the web.
Our Windows Server offering includes:
Our Windows Visio offering includes:
Product Manager
Product Manager
Our Product Team

Michelle Olivier
Product Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3379

Gavin Bouwer
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3411

Phillip Thompson
Brand Director:
Advanced Technologies, Microsoft, Pinnpos, Proline
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3317

Terry-Lyn Few
Business Development Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3292

Christelle Fensham
Business Unit Manager
[email protected]
+27 (11) 265 3312